Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tougher than I expected...

So today my daughter turned a month old.... and its so hard to believe that its already been a whole month.... not that I have really missed anything but.... I just didn't handle things too well today. The gloomy horrible weather probably didn't help much either. The weather today SUCKED!!! And I had to go all the way to Richland Hills in it too. Usually takes me about an hour there and back...not today. Took me a lil over 2 hours!!! It was absolutely dreadful! But on the other hand, once I finally got there jerkface (aka Chris) gave me $90 which is supposed to be used to buy Brayden clothes, but between me, my mom and my grandmother we have bought him enough summer clothes to last a while. I have been reading this AMAZING book called Twilight... and I finally finished it today... well i shouldn't say finally it only took me 3 days to read almost 500 pages and I started the 2nd of the trilogy today. Its amazing how I always hated reading and with these books I cannot put them down.
Well yesterday I went shopping with my Grandma and she bought me my Easter dress and its absolutely gorgeous!!! Imma look awesome!! lol (conceited i know). I wish I owned more dresses, cuz I like to dress up and church is the only place I really go to be able to do that...
She also bought me another dress to wear to Kylie's bastism in April which I am so amazingly anxious about, I cannot wait to see her. Pictures are one thing but to hold her in my arms again and see how much she has grown!!! Plus I miss Marc and Amy a lot too, I dunno what im going to do when they move all the way to Virgina :(
But its getting late so im going to hit the sack!!
Amy I will put the pics up of Brayden and his new clothes, I just didnt have time today plus we turned off the computer all day because of the storms.... but I will get them up eventually!!

Also, pray for my sister Kimberlyn she is very sick, running fever and says her whole body is in pain, poor thing has been taking medicine all day and just in bed miserable. She even slept through our absolute favorite show so you know she has to be really sick...
And also for my brother, who is hanging witht the wrong people and getting in to alot of things he shouln't be at his age, he needs guidance.
And for my mom, who needs all the strength she can to put up with all this... Thanks.


superjono said...


I'm friends of Marc and Amy and they put me in touch with you. My wife is Nicole who posted on another of your entries.

My drive in to work is usually about 30 mins. This morning was 45 mins and I flipped out.

Your 2 hours makes me put things in perspective! I'm feeling for you BIGTIME!!!

Marc & Amy said...

Hey girl,

Sorry to hear about yesterday being tough for you. I can't imagine how excited you'll be to hold her again!!! I can't wait for you to! Oh, it's gonna be so awesome hanging out again, too! And I know that after we move to VA, we'll be coming back to Dallas in the middle of December, so we can plan to hang out then, too.

$90 is better than nothing, I guess, huh? Wow- I can't believe you finished that book so fast!! I oughta start calling you Miss Bookworm! ha! :)

We'll pray that your sis will start to feel better soon & pray for your brother & Mom, too. Hang in there, girl. Pray that we make it to SC tonight & don't get stuck in some airport in Houston... and pray that she doesn't scream the entire time... :) I'll talk to you soon! (oh, and no hurry on the pics of Brayden- I'll just look forward to seeing them when you can put them up!)