Friday, March 28, 2008

My Mini Miracle!!!

Ok, so yesterday I had recived my final two checks from the adoption agency one for $75 for groceries and the other one was $150 for clothes. I had just loosely put the checks in my purse when I decided to take them to put them in the bank. I drove all the way to the North Side to my bank only to find that the checks were no where to be found!!! So I sped super fast home, because I knew that they had to of fallen out outside because it was super windy that day. Well I got home and told my Grandma what I thought happened, so we started looking outside and in this GINORMOUS field behind the house. After searching for about 15 minutes my Grandma found the $75 one not too far into the field. So I kept searching through this horrible field, (let me mention I was in flip flops and shorts) So im twisting ankles, being scratched and ripped apart. Needless to say after about 45 minutes of this torture I gave up, so on the way back to the house I decided to check the last place I had seen the checks, which was in the garage when I went to get a Pepsi out of the fridge. Well it was no where in the garage but then as I walked out of the garage and down the driveway to look at the wood we have down the side, I happened to look to my right and in a little dirt bed between the garage and the wood....... WAS MY CHECK!!!!!!!!! I screamed and think I even did a little happy dance. Boy im telling you God was with me for sure yesterday!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Me and my Matthew getting a lil tipsy..... lol

Me in the shirt I made and the sexy hat I bought!!!

Me and Kimi being goofy waiting for the game to start..

Ok so I remembered to take everything I needed to the game.....EXCEPT 4.... MY CAMERA :(
So luckily we had camera phones so I got a few pics at least!! All in all it was awesome, I had a blast. It was nice to get out of the house and just have fun with everyone!!! Thanks again Marc && Amy for the tickets.... Im just glad Chris didn't get to have all this fun lol!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008!

Me && My Sister Looking Gorgeous!

Up Close && Peronal LOL

Ok yes its sideways but Me && My Deanie!!

Gettin the First Egg..... && Lookin Handsome

The Basket Got Too Heavy LOL.....

Friday, March 21, 2008

Short time to update..

Well as I am writing this message Brayden is throwing a temper tantrum in the doorway for no apparent reason.... he is just rolling around whining and kicking the walls.... dont ask. I started this at about 9 o'clock and its now 10:20 and I just got Brayden to go to sleep.... The TERRIBLE 2s are here in full force!!! OMG.
Anyways, today I hung out with Matthew most of the day, we went and got Macaroni Grill To Go because on the way there Brayden fell asleep, but I got some kind of Chicken Rigatoni and it was delicious!!! Then at 6 I had my mom watch Brayden and we went to see Vantage Point and it was amazing, really good movie. While I was there I had a Kaluha Mudslide, that was really good too. lol.
I never did here from the lady at the temp agency but hopefully she will call me on Monday and let me know whats going on. I hate when businesses don't do what they are supposed to.
Ok so I tried to put up pictures but my camera wont connect to the computer for some stupid reason so I will try again tomorrow. Im hitting the sack!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tougher than I expected...

So today my daughter turned a month old.... and its so hard to believe that its already been a whole month.... not that I have really missed anything but.... I just didn't handle things too well today. The gloomy horrible weather probably didn't help much either. The weather today SUCKED!!! And I had to go all the way to Richland Hills in it too. Usually takes me about an hour there and back...not today. Took me a lil over 2 hours!!! It was absolutely dreadful! But on the other hand, once I finally got there jerkface (aka Chris) gave me $90 which is supposed to be used to buy Brayden clothes, but between me, my mom and my grandmother we have bought him enough summer clothes to last a while. I have been reading this AMAZING book called Twilight... and I finally finished it today... well i shouldn't say finally it only took me 3 days to read almost 500 pages and I started the 2nd of the trilogy today. Its amazing how I always hated reading and with these books I cannot put them down.
Well yesterday I went shopping with my Grandma and she bought me my Easter dress and its absolutely gorgeous!!! Imma look awesome!! lol (conceited i know). I wish I owned more dresses, cuz I like to dress up and church is the only place I really go to be able to do that...
She also bought me another dress to wear to Kylie's bastism in April which I am so amazingly anxious about, I cannot wait to see her. Pictures are one thing but to hold her in my arms again and see how much she has grown!!! Plus I miss Marc and Amy a lot too, I dunno what im going to do when they move all the way to Virgina :(
But its getting late so im going to hit the sack!!
Amy I will put the pics up of Brayden and his new clothes, I just didnt have time today plus we turned off the computer all day because of the storms.... but I will get them up eventually!!

Also, pray for my sister Kimberlyn she is very sick, running fever and says her whole body is in pain, poor thing has been taking medicine all day and just in bed miserable. She even slept through our absolute favorite show so you know she has to be really sick...
And also for my brother, who is hanging witht the wrong people and getting in to alot of things he shouln't be at his age, he needs guidance.
And for my mom, who needs all the strength she can to put up with all this... Thanks.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dallas World Aquarium

Me and Brayden at the entrance to the Dallas World Aqaurium.

Brayden looking and pointing to the fish saying, "BIG, BIG FISH!"

Brayden's favorite thing there, the shark!!

Brayden had a blast with the flamingoes, they were very noisy!

Brayden with the black footed penguins, he liked them too!

Im not sure who had more fun today, me or him?? But it was a blast to see all the cool animals... seemed more like a zoo than an aquarium. But we will def go back!!!

Never Good Enough...

Well yesterday was going pretty well, my friend Matthew brought me lunch at 1:30 it was Shrimp Alfredo from Chili's and it was awesome. I had him leave at 2:15 so I could get Brayden laid down.... well he was extremly difficult and didn't go to sleep til 3ish. My grandparents came home around 4 and here comes my grandma into MY room and decides its time for us to get up. I tried to tell her that he had barely been asleep an hour but she was already loud enough to wake Brayden... I was super upset. Then I hear my Grandpa telling my Grandma, "I don't undertand why they sleep til like 6 o'clock at night" and my grandma tried to explain that he got laid down later because Matthew had brought lunch, and he relpys, "All she would have to do its say Bye Buddy, and tell him to leave. A 21 month old is more important than company being over. I think its about time she moves back in with her mother because were obviously not doing any good for her here. And that boy needs a good mother and he's not getting that here either!"
So I was FURIOUS!!!!! I got dressed and got everything together, went outside and started to leave, my Grandma asked where I was going and I said "ANYWHERE BUT HERE" she said why???
I said "you guys must think Im deaf, but I can hear everything you guys say from my bedroom!!" She then went on trying to make excuses for my Grandpa's unnecessary rudeness, and how she understands that I am severly depressed and so are her and my grandpa and blah blah blah. Ok so if everyone is so depressed why is he the only one who can get away with saying such hurtful things, and never ever apologize for them.
Im just really tired of trying to make the best of the situation I am in here, and then tiptoe around my Grandpa. My Grandma even said nobody is ever good enough for my Grandpa. So sometimes i dont even know why I am trying here. I have enough crap going on in my life right now, I dont need more drama and pain from the people who are supposed to love and support me!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Here are some random creations I made tonight on this awesome site I found.... many more to come!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Bubble Boy!!

This is the new mini handheld bubble maker that I bought for Brayden today. He absolutely loved it!! What a well spent $4!!! lol.
He made such a mess but had a blast, it was so fun to watch too!!

Thanks Jill!!!

I love the tent Jill bought for me!!
Here I am playing peek-a-boo with grandma.

And here I am looking out my peephole!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dinner with the Jerk

Wow, its amazing how some people never change!!! GRR! I cannot stand him, he just really needs to grow up or just go away!! So I go to pick him up and he is not outside I like I asked him to be, then as soon as he gets in the car he starts calling my son his nickname for him which is "fatboy" which I hate and have repeatedly asked him not to call him. So we get going and I found out were not going where he says we were going which was just to eat at Chili's for his sisters birthday, were going to her house. Well Brayden still had not eaten, and it was going on 6 o'clock. I was furious. So after yelling at him for a few minutes he decides its a good idea to go eat first, so we go to Applebees, where he pretty much talks on the phone the entire time. So I dont even understand why he wanted Brayden there. I took care of Brayden the entire night, while Chris tried to play the cute good dad when people where around. Then he has the balls to say, "Wow, he is really smart!" I said, "duh, thanks to me!!" It really was a miserable time. But if it will keep him from getting official visitation with him, then i have to suck it up and do it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bout time for one of these...

Well I have been crazily checking my daughter's blogspot that her adoptive parents made, because they are just oh so proud to be new parents. And I thought it was time to create one of my own to let everyone know what all is going on with me and things in my life.

For those of you who dont know me I am 21 years old and I have 2 kids, a 21 month old son named Brayden and a daughter I had on February 18th but placed for adoption with an amazing family. Her name is Kylie Maleah officially but now is Caroline. The adoption is one of the most amazing things I have have ever decided to do in my life. I am a single mother already and when I found out I was pregnant with her, I knew I was in no place in life to give her everything she would need. Luckily God showed me to Marc and Amy and I instantly loved them!! I knew that God could not have picked two more deserving people ever!!! So now I have placed her for adoption but I still haven't lost a moment of her life. The adoption is so open I could call at anytime and as what she is doing and they would be more than willing to tell me. You dont find that kind of realtionship just anywhere. I miss my daughter more than anything in the world right now, but I know God has an amazing plan for her with Marc and Amy I am just so thankful I will be able to know what it is!! I have become a member of another amazing family!

4 days after I left the hospital I woke up that morning with what I found out to be Bell's Palsy. I was completely paralyzed on the right side of my face. There is no true known cause for it, but it seems to occur when put under alot of stress. I was told to expect it to take about 6 months to heal. Well after going to the doctor and being put on steriods and an anti-viral pill, I now am about 80% healed. Thank GOD!!!! I just expected the worse but prayed for the best and here comes my savior again !!!

I now am in the process of trying to get my life going in a successful direction, I am watching for God's signs but he isn't just shoving them in my face. All I have ever been is a waitress so I don't have experience for the things I would like to pursue now. My only option at this time is to join the Air Force Reserves and study Diagnostic Medical Sonography in their community college. The only problem with that is I would have to be away from my son for at least 2 1/2 months which will be SUPER hard. So I just need to step back, check all my options but most of all just keep trusting God will show me the way.....