Friday, March 28, 2008

My Mini Miracle!!!

Ok, so yesterday I had recived my final two checks from the adoption agency one for $75 for groceries and the other one was $150 for clothes. I had just loosely put the checks in my purse when I decided to take them to put them in the bank. I drove all the way to the North Side to my bank only to find that the checks were no where to be found!!! So I sped super fast home, because I knew that they had to of fallen out outside because it was super windy that day. Well I got home and told my Grandma what I thought happened, so we started looking outside and in this GINORMOUS field behind the house. After searching for about 15 minutes my Grandma found the $75 one not too far into the field. So I kept searching through this horrible field, (let me mention I was in flip flops and shorts) So im twisting ankles, being scratched and ripped apart. Needless to say after about 45 minutes of this torture I gave up, so on the way back to the house I decided to check the last place I had seen the checks, which was in the garage when I went to get a Pepsi out of the fridge. Well it was no where in the garage but then as I walked out of the garage and down the driveway to look at the wood we have down the side, I happened to look to my right and in a little dirt bed between the garage and the wood....... WAS MY CHECK!!!!!!!!! I screamed and think I even did a little happy dance. Boy im telling you God was with me for sure yesterday!!!

1 comment:

Marc & Amy said...

What's even greater is that I got to personally HEAR the scream when she found the check!! (we were on the phone at that time, so I can personally attest to the truth of this story...) he he