Monday, March 10, 2008

Dinner with the Jerk

Wow, its amazing how some people never change!!! GRR! I cannot stand him, he just really needs to grow up or just go away!! So I go to pick him up and he is not outside I like I asked him to be, then as soon as he gets in the car he starts calling my son his nickname for him which is "fatboy" which I hate and have repeatedly asked him not to call him. So we get going and I found out were not going where he says we were going which was just to eat at Chili's for his sisters birthday, were going to her house. Well Brayden still had not eaten, and it was going on 6 o'clock. I was furious. So after yelling at him for a few minutes he decides its a good idea to go eat first, so we go to Applebees, where he pretty much talks on the phone the entire time. So I dont even understand why he wanted Brayden there. I took care of Brayden the entire night, while Chris tried to play the cute good dad when people where around. Then he has the balls to say, "Wow, he is really smart!" I said, "duh, thanks to me!!" It really was a miserable time. But if it will keep him from getting official visitation with him, then i have to suck it up and do it.

1 comment:

The Gathering in Granbury said...

You need to keep track of all this to build your case.